As we all know, you can’t control nature. Farmers are certainly aware of that fact in their farming operations. Sometimes you do everything right, that you can think of, and the results don’t always work out.

This is the case for The French Olive harvest 2018. This past year was a challenge for the California olive oil industry and many growers did not even harvest what little crop they had on the trees. We did harvest our small crop and hoped we would have some amount of 2018 oil to sell. However, our harvest results do not meet our strict standards for quality extra virgin olive oil.
So we are making lemonade out of lemons and will be donating our 2018 oil to various soup kitchens in the area who feed the homeless.
What was unsuccessful for us, can be a positive for others!
We have plenty of our 2017 oil available. It is doing very well in our temperature-controlled storage room; tastes wonderfully mild and olivey. We still have oil to meet your needs, so there is no need to worry about running out!
Looking forward to a better and larger crop in 2019,
Carole & Yancey